contoh kalimat habis dijual
- Art Inspired Jacquard V-Neck Flax Dress Sold Out
Pakaian Inspirasi Jacquard V-Neck Art Inspired Habis dijual - Tree of Life Long Sleeve Dress Sold Out
Pokok Kehidupan Pakaian Lengan Panjang Habis dijual - Floral Bohemian Hippie Dress $ 66.00 $ 110.00
Loose Floral Printed Sweater Dress Habis dijual $ 86.00 - Blue Denim Loose 90s Overall Sold Out
Blue Denim Loose 90s Keseluruhan Habis dijual - Grunge Style Loose Overall Dress Sold Out
Gaya Grunge Pakaian Keseluruhan Loose Habis dijual - Casual Floral Printed Long Camisole Sold Out
Floral Ramie Blue Maxi Dress Habis dijual - Loose Plus Size Grunge Overalls Habis dijual
Gaya Grunge Pakaian Keseluruhan Loose Habis dijual - All of Xindy vr machine were sold out in fair
Semua mesin Xindy vr telah habis dijual dalam pameran - Oversized Sweater Dress With White Polka Dots Sold Out
Pakaian Sweater yang Lebih Besar Dengan Dots Polka Putih Habis dijual - “The kids need to be educated so that they can defend this place and so that the land is not sold. If this doesn’t happen, for sure all the land will get sold.”
“Anak-anak disekolahkan, supaya mereka bisa membela tempat ini, supaya tanah tidak dijual-jual. Kalau tidak (tidak sekolah, pen) tanah habis dijual. - With tickets sold out, the glitzy event has attracted many fertility industry experts, influencers and celebrities from across the globe and we are looking forward to a magnificent evening of entertainment, emotion and enlightenment.
Dengan tiket yang habis dijual, acara mewah itu telah menarik banyak pakar industri kesuburan, influencer dan selebriti dari seluruh dunia dan kami tidak sabar untuk hiburan malam, emosi dan pencerahan.